Arnaud Kalimuendo Stats for Rennes

Advanced metrics, scout report, and player stats for Arnaud Kalimuendo

Arnaud Kalimuendo
Appearances 17
Goals 8
Assists 0
Club Crest

Player Bio

Market Value

Arnaud Kalimuendo Scout Report

Arnaud Kalimuendo is a commanding presence in the forward line for Rennes in France's Ligue 1. Despite being only 22, he has showcased a particularly strong aptitude in retaining possession, ranking in the top quartile of his peers with a percentile of 75. Kalimuendo's goal efficiency also stands out - placing him comfortably in the upper echelons of forwards (65.625%). However, his reputation as a solid lone striker is somewhat overshadowed by a disappointing ball recovery rate (12.5%), a key aspect for any modern forward in the pressing game. This weakness is further compounded by a rather pedestrian performance in assists per 90 minutes (18.75%), indicating that his contribution to team play could use significant improvement. His chance creation and xA per 90 stats reflect a competent, albeit not outstanding creative force. In summary, Kalimuendo portrays a forward who thrives standing alone at the helm of the attack, ever-ready to score yet lacking in the collective facets of the modern game. His key opportunity for development lies in enhancing his involvement in build-up play to become a more all-rounded striker in future seasons.

Arnaud Kalimuendo Key stats

Arnaud Kalimuendo Senior Career

Arnaud Kalimuendo Career Trend

Arnaud Kalimuendo Shot Maps

Arnaud Kalimuendo Shot Summary

In the 2024-2025 season, Arnaud Kalimuendo-Muinga took 35 shots, scoring 8 goals. This output came from an Expected Goals (xG) of 7.22, averaging 0.21 xG per shot.

Right Foot: 6 goals from 27 shots. A 22.22% conversion rate. 0.24 xG per shot.
Left Foot: 1 goals from 5 shots. A 20.0% conversion rate. 0.1 xG per shot.
Headers: 1 goals from 3 headed attempts. A 33.33% conversion rate. 0.05 xG per shot.
